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FAQ about Digital banking

Check the FAQ related to usage of online and mobile banking.
Online banking

Online banking

FAQ about usage

  • What are the minimum technical preconditions for the use of the Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Internet banking services?

To be able to use the Intesa Sanpaolo Bank's online banking, you need to have the Internet access and the following Internet browser versions:

  • Google Chrome 4.0x (or higher)
  • Mozilla Firefox 4.0x (or higher)
  • Internet Explorer 11x (or higher)
  • Opera 49 (or higher)
  • My mobile device camera does not read the QR code when I want to use the Smart login to login to the Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Internet banking. What do I have to do about it?

Try to bring your mobile device closer to the computer screen or increase the picture on the computer screen.  

  • Who can I contact if I have any questions or doubts when using the Intesa Sanpaolo Bank mobile banking or Internet banking?

Please, call us the toll-free on 080 13 18, and for calls from abroad dial +386 5 666 1838. You can send us your questions to the following e-mail info@intesasanpaolobank.si.

Mobile banking

Mobile banking

FAQ about usage

  • What are the minimum technical preconditions for the use of the Intesa Sanpaolo Bank mobile banking?

To use the Intesa Sanpaolo Bank's mobile banking, you need to have the Internet access on your mobile device and the device should operate on one of the following operating systems:

  • iOS: version 9.0 or higher
  • Android: version 4.4 or higher.

The application does not support the OS Windows.

  • Can several different users use the Intesa Sanpaolo Bank mobile banking on the same device?

Yes, it is possible to register several users on a single mobile device.

  • Can I agree the Intesa Sanpaolo Bank mobile banking for a mobile phone number from abroad?


  • What if I change the phone number, the provider or the subscription scheme?

If you change the mobile phone number, you need to change the mobile phone data in a Bank's branch office. If you change the provider/subscription scheme and the mobile phone number and the mobile phone model remain the same, you do not need to take any action.   

  • What if I lose my mobile phone device or if it gets stolen?

You need to report loss or theft of the device to the Bank by making a toll-free call to 080 13 18 (for calls from abroad dial +386 5 666 18 38) or our Card department number +386 5 666 12 56.
You can also report loss or theft in any branch office of the Bank.

How can I switch on notifications and for which Bank products and services of the Bank?
In the Settings menu you can set up notifications for accounts, savings, loans and announced orders, with the possibility to define the conditions for sending notifications according to your needs.  
If you use the #withPAY service, you may receive notifications about received payments even after one of your contacts has also subscribed for the service. Also, you will receive notifications about your fund transactions automatically.

  • If there are several users registered on one mobile device, can all users activate the Fingerprint feature for the Intesa Sanpaolo Bank mobile banking?

For security reasons, the fingerprint identification can be activated for one user only, and other users may log in by entering a PIN.

  • May I share my IBAN with my contacts?

Yes, in your profile you may review your banking accounts and share the chosen IBAN by e-mail or through different social network platforms (Facebook, Viber, WhatsApp).


  • Can I use the Intesa Sanpaolo Bank mobile banking if my mobile device was rooted and/or jailbroken or otherwise modified?  

You can, but bear in mind that individual application features may not work.

  • What do I have to do if I block my Intesa Sanpaolo Bank mobile banking access by entering wrong PIN several times consecutively?

If you enter wrong PIN three times in a row when accessing the Intesa Sanpaolo Bank mobile banking or using #withKEY-a, your access will be blocked. In this case you have to request new registration codes (the identification and activation code) to be able to activate the mobile banking. New registration codes may be obtained:

  • In any branch office of the Bank
  • By making a toll-free call to 080 13 18 or
  • By accessing the Intese Sanpaolo Bank Internet banking where you can independently generate new codes.  

If you forget your PIN, please contact Intesa Sanpaolo Bank's branch office employees in which you have opened your account and they will re-issue a PIN for you. 

  • Who can I contact if I have any questions or doubts when using the Intesa Sanpaolo Bank mobile banking or Internet banking?

Please, call us the toll-free on 080 13 18, and for calls from abroad dial +386 5 666 1838. You can send us your questions to the following e-mail info@intesasanpaolobank.si.

Do you need help?

We are here for you.

Look for appropriate contact number:

Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Contact center
Monday-Friday 7 a.m. - 6 p.m. and Saturday 8 a.m. - 12 p.m.

  •     Calling from Slovenia: 080 13 18
  •     Calling from abroad: 00386 5 66 61 838

Service center for card business – 24 h

  •     Calling from Slovenia:  05 66 61 256
  •     Calling from abroad: 00386 5 66 61 256

Real estate sale: 00386 5 66 610 10
