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Who we are

The story of Intesa Sanpaolo Bank is the story of a constant search for modern banking solutions. Learn more about the company's values and objectives.
About Intesa Sanpaolo Bank

About Intesa Sanpaolo Bank

World of opportunities

Intesa Sanpaolo Bank amazes you day after day with selected solutions for fast and easy banking. We are especially committed to your personal, family or business purposes.

In addition to our own know-how, which we have been building for over 60 years, we also offer you tried and tested world-class solutions, as we are a member of the renowned Intesa Sanpaolo Bank international banking group. Our majority owner is Privredna Banka Zagreb, which is also part of the said Group.

Being our customer, you can experience a different path to run your errands each time around, ranging from digital banking and mobile payments to an online and mobile chatroom for a quick consultation or conversation.

You can also quickly and easily run your banking errands at our modern branches, where you are always greeted with good coffee, homely comfort and friendly banking advice.

Vision and Mission

Vision and Mission

The five pillars of our vision

Intesa Sanpaolo Bank is a bank with a national market reach, wide recognition among stakeholders and a modern customer service model.

It provides clients with top solutions for digital business, a quality offer and an excellent user experience.

It operates on the basis of a lean and responsive business model implemented by professionally trained and motivated employees.

Customer service excellence

Being better in delivering a great customer experience is at the heart of Intesa Sanpaolo Bank’s mission.

Our excellent customer experience is achieved through investing in human resources, digitization and a network of modern branches, optimization of business and work processes, hiring talented people in key business areas, rewarding dedicated and successful employees, and through a balanced growth in the Slovenian market.

What is more, we strive for a great and constant multi-channel customer experience, regardless of whether in a given moment you need us remotely or face-to-face at a branch.

History and development

History and development

The bank through time

The development of Intesa Sanpaolo Bank is the development of the economic area as well as the social one, in which we operate from our beginnings on the local level and all the way to the formation into one of the central Slovenian banking institutions. The area used to occupy the coastal region primarily, but today it occupies the whole Slovenia.

The story of Intesa Sanpaolo Bank is also the story of a constant search for better and more modern banking solutions, from the first smart payment card to the first online video chat bank and the first digital wallet in Slovenia.

Developing advanced solutions

ntesa Sanpaolo Bank is the leading bank in Slovenia in the development of mobile and other advanced services. As the first in the country, it launched some key advanced services which later affected the broader financial, economic and social areas in Slovenia and the changes to the users’ purchasing habits.

2022: We offer the Google Pay service to our clients as the first Slovenian bank
2020: Presentation of a completely new online and mobile bank and the possibility of opening a transaction account entirely online (for new customers); as the first bank in the country, we enable our clients to make domestic and cross-border instant payments
2019: Introduction of the Apple Pay service, which we offer to our clients as the first among Slovenian banks
2017: Digital signature of documents in the mobile bank for the conclusion of loans, savings and payments into mutual funds, without a visit to a branch

2016: The Wave2Pay mobile wallet for contactless card payment at points of sale using a mobile phone

2015: Mobile phone and QR code cashless payment at points of sale (instant payments) and quick money transfer between mobile phone users (instant money transfers) 

2011: Digital signature of bank transactions for paperless operation at the Bank’s branches

2008: Online bank with personal assistance and video chat

2005: Smart payment card equipped with chip technology for highest level payment security

1992: Activa, the first Slovenian payment card with a magnetic strip 

The development of online banking dates back to 1998, when the online bank for natural persons was launched, then in 2013 it was joined by a mobile bank for natural persons, and a year later by online and mobile banks for business users.


Bank development milestones

Accelerated digitization of the bank

2022 - Conclusion of a partnership with Generali zavarovalnica to provide a comprehensive range of consulting services in the field of insurance

2021 - Creation of a new three-year business plan for the period 2022-2025 and implementation of the demanding migration from local to a completely new digital banking solution

2020 - The bank invests intensively in the digitization of operations (introduction of a new online and mobile bank, opening a transaction account remotely)


A new international name and a new business strategy for the bank

2019 - Business Centre is moved to Ljubljana

2018 – Start of implementation of the Bank’s new business strategy with a 2021 time perspective

2017 – Renaming of Banka Koper d. d. to Banka Intesa Sanpaolo d. d., entry of Privredna banka Zagreb into the Bank’s ownership structure and preparation for a new commercial start-up

2016 – Development of the Wave2Pay mobile wallet for card payment at points of sale via mobile phone


Development of new mobile services and leasing reorganization

2015 – Development of instant payments at points of sale and instant money transfer services between mobile phone users

2015 – Acquisition of the Finor Leasing subsidiary

2014 – Development of mobile banking for legal entities


Sustainable development and corporate social responsibility

2012 – Establishment of small business enterprise centres and launch of the “360 Degree Sustainable Development Project”

2011 – First green branch, introduction of the digital signature for bank transactions and development of mobile banking services for natural persons

2010 – Establishment of humanitarian aid for elimination of the consequences of natural disasters in Slovenia and education of all employees on the topic of corporate social responsibility


Redesign of the corporate identity and restructure of the organization

2009 – Internal reorganization and establishment of the pilot project for contactless payment with payment cards and mobile phones via the TAP & GO registered trademark

2008 – Redesign of the Bank’s corporate identity modelled on Intesa Sanpaolo, establishment of the “Posluh 100%” project for customer satisfaction monitoring and launch of the first online bank in Slovenia with video chat and loyalty rewards

2007 – Formation of the Intesa Sanpaolo banking group

2006 – New partnerships in the area of small business and business education

2005 – Jubilee celebration for the 50th anniversary of operation and launch of the first smart payment card in Slovenia


Multilayer changes

2004 – Complete spatial redesign of the Koper headquarters and expansion of the branch network

2003 – Transition to transaction accounts and strengthening of investment banking

2002 – Sanpaolo IMI, S.p.A. becomes the Bank’s majority shareholder

2001 – Establishment of the Open-ended Mutual Pension Fund

2000 – Entry into the A listing of the Ljubljana Stock Exchange and restructuring of the organization

1998 – Acquisition of M Bank and development of online banking for natural persons


Going forward independently

1997 – The new name, Banka Koper with a new corporate identity and the opening of a branch in Maribor

1996 – Expansion of the branch network into the Slovenian capital and restructuring of the internal organization

1994 – Obtaining the Bank of Slovenia authorization for all banking operations, domestic and foreign

1992 – Independent path of Splošna banka Koper outside the Ljubljanska banka system and development of the first payment card, Activa



1978 – Inclusion in the Ljubljanska Banka – United Banks banking system, as LB Splošna banka Koper

1971 – Kreditna banka Koper, as a commercial investment bank, expands its business network beyond the borders of the Coastal–Karst region

1961 – The Bank is renamed Komunalna Banka Koper and begins to strengthen its own credit potential

1955 – Establishment of Istrska komunalna banka with the purpose of stimulating the regional economy

Social responsibility

Social responsibility

We act globally and locally

Intesa Sanpaolo Bank operates within the Intesa Sanpaolo international banking group, which is particularly committed to social responsibility and sustainable development.

Discover the efforts of the Group at the international level and of Intesa Sanpaolo Bank in Slovenia in four selected areas of society and economy.

Optimal customer experience

At Intesa Sanpaolo Bank, we build customer satisfaction at multiple levels of operation. In this way we improve the quality of our services and develop mutually successful cooperation:

  • systematic monitoring of customer satisfaction
  • multichannel banking at the customer’s choice
  • innovative banking solutions, both branch-based and remote

The “Posluh (Listening) 100%” project is designed to help better understand the customers, their needs, wishes and expectations. There are many ways we can attune to their needs: through questions, telephone and online surveys, opinions, suggestions, complaints and compliments.

The Digical project embraces the development of multi-channel banking with a focus on digital banking solutions on the one hand and advanced banking branches on the other, all to maximize the customer experience.

Financial literacy of young people

Financial literacy programmes for young people are just part of the educational programmes of Intesa Sanpaolo, which are organized in cooperation with the Museum of Saving in Turin, where each year Intesa Sanpaolo Bank organizes educational workshops for children.

The workshops are called “It’s up to you” and are intended for students of higher grades of elementary schools. Each time they are accompanied by the symbol of the blue dolphin carrying the message “Swimming freely, thinking wisely”.

The workshops are conducted and implemented by a team of 16 trained volunteers, employees of Intesa Sanpaolo Bank’s various areas of operation. Most recently, 35 workshops were held at various elementary schools across Slovenia.

Encouraging circular economy

Circular economy is an alternative business model that aims to realize economic growth through the rational use of limited resources and thus to provide comprehensive care for the restoration of a company’s natural capital. Circular economy is more than a waste-free industry. It takes into account several aspects of business – the environmental, economic and social.
Intesa Sanpaolo is the world’s only banking group to partner with the Ellen Macarthur Foundation in financing business ideas and models that, on the one hand, help transform classic industry and, on the other, encourage investment in circular economy.

Intesa Sanpaolo Bank supports circular economy development initiatives at the level of Slovenia. For it, circular economy represents an opportunity to become a circular-oriented society, to gain a new competitive advantage and to become a reference country in the area of sustainable life and development in Europe.

Wider range of sustainable funds

Among the diverse range of Eurizon funds, which are exclusively marketed in Slovenia, there are more and more of those that comply with ESG* criteria, which is socially responsible investing in the broadest sense of the word.
A lot has changed since 2019, when an equity fund focused on sustainable companies (EF Sustainable Global Equity) entered the bank's offer. According to ESG criteria, more than half of the Eurizon funds are currently compliant, and more will be in the future.
By following the trends in the field of ESG investing in the bank, we are also taking care of the future of our clients, as the latter are increasingly pointing to the fact that financial and capital flows will be directed mainly to investments that meet ESG criteria .
* ESG is an abbreviation for environmental, social and corporate criteria, which are increasingly used in the selection of investments and are becoming one of the main topics in the field of asset management in Slovenia and the world.

Values and ethics

Values and ethics

Our seven

Living our values means working hard for them every day – at work or in our free time. No value occupies the top position, they are all equally important to us.

  • We act honestly.
  • We support equality.
  • We act responsibly.
  • We improve quality.
  • We support business transparency.
  • We listen carefully. 
  • We respect diversity.

Business ethics

The Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Code of Ethics is a collection of fundamental ethical principles that bind us to behave ethically in the workplace. It explains individual values and principles in relation to stakeholders and their application in practice.

All our stakeholders can directly alert us to any non-compliance with the aforementioned principles through the e-mail address set up specially for this purpose: eticni.kodeks@intesasanpaolobank.si

Code of ethics

Reporting violations

The bank supports the spread of a culture of legality, and for this purpose, it has established an effective internal system for reporting violations (so-called whistleblowing), which represents an opportunity to improve the business environment from both an organizational and ethical point of view.
Reports may refer to illegal practices that the applicants become aware of due to their legal and economic relationship with the bank, whereby the applicant is protected from possible retaliatory or discriminatory conduct, namely with the maximum guarantee of confidentiality.

Diversity and inclusion principles

Diversity and inclusion principles

Enhance the diversity

The enhancement of people, their diversity and inclusion policies are a fundamental element of the people strategy and an essential ingredient in the environmental, social and governance (ESG) strategy.

Companies that are able to express a high rate of diversity – for example gender, age, cultural and professional background – can have a wider spectrum of views, opinions and experiences, thus bringing greater value to policy decisions. 

For years Intesa Sanpaolo Group has been committed to enhancing the diversity and promoting inclusion as essential components for the Group's growth. 

Banka Intesa Sanpaolo d.d. has decided to adopt a set of Principles on Diversity & Inclusion (hereinafter "D&I Principles") to confirm and make more effective its commitment to implement and disseminate – inside and outside of the Group – a policy for the inclusion of all forms of diversity (gender, gender identity and/or gender expression, sexual orientation, marital status and family status, age, ethnicity, religious belief, political affiliation and affiliation to unions, nationality, language, cultural background, physical and psychological conditions or any other feature of each individual, also including the expression of one's own thought), in accordance with the principles stated in the Group’s Code of Ethics and Internal Code of Conduct.

The goal of the D&I Principles is to create a working environment based on plurality, respect and harmony, where people with different qualities, beliefs and opinions can come together to generate value, where everyone feels free to express themselves and everyone’s talent and qualities are acknowledged and rewarded with the same opportunities for professional growth and remuneration.

Culture of inclusion

The dissemination of the culture of inclusion is a fundamental element of the Intesa Sanpaolo Group's D&I strategy and translates into training, communication and awareness-raising initiatives towards all people, at all organizational levels. The culture of inclusion starts from the top, with the involvement of all top management in a managerial discussion on Inclusive Leadership, which will be gradually extended to all other managerial levels. 

Enhancement of female talent

Intesa Sanpaolo Group has always been committed to the full enhancement of female talent, facilitating the presence of women in every professional context and at every hierarchical level.

A specific section of Banka Intesa Sanpaolo d.d. D&I Principles is dedicated to commitments on gender equity, aimed at ensuring fair opportunities in the processes of hiring, promotion to roles of responsibility, appointments to Management Bodies, managerial roles and in the succession plan for top management.

With reference to the presence of the underrepresented gender in the Management Bodies of Banka Intesa Sanpaolo d.d. the target is set as one third of the number of the Members in each Board . Banka Intesa Sanpaolo d.d. commits to reach the set target by the end of the first semester of 2023 and keep it stable over time.

Management and supervisory board

Management and supervisory board

Management of the bank

Intesa Sanpaolo Bank is distinguished by its multicultural leadership and management at all levels of business.

Management board

  • Luigi Fuzio, President of the Mangement board
  • Matija Birov, Member - responsible for Risk management
  • Mojca Kovač, Member - responsible for Retail
  • Andrey Gorelikov, Member - responsible for Financial area

Supervisory board

  • Rosario Strano, Chairman
  • Giancarlo Miranda, Deputy Chairman
  • Dario Massimo Grassani, Member
  • Andrea Pavlović, Member
  • Amina Carnabuci, Member
  • Elena Kohútiková, Member
  • Massimo Malagoli, Member

Luigi Fuzio, CEO

As the former Executive Director of the Retail and Wealth Management Department within the International Subsidiary Banks Division (ISBD) of Intesa Sanpaolo, he has overseen the implementation of the retail business strategy within the Subsidiary Banks of the ISBD perimeter in the past two years. 

Before joining Intesa Sanpaolo Group, he was, for four years, Head of the Commercial Coordination Area at the one of the largest Italian banking groups, UBI Group, which in 2021 merged into ISP Group. During this period, he was also Deputy President and Member of the Board of Directors in UBI Sicura S.p.A. and Member of the Board of Directors of UBI Leasing S.p.A. Before that, from 2015 to 2016, he was Deputy General Manager and Head of Sales & Marketing at CreditRas Assicurazioni S.p.A., Milan, the Allianz-UniCredit joint venture in Bancassurance. 

In the period between 2007 and 2015, he joined Unicredit Group, first holding the position of Head of Commercial Coordination and Control Department - F&SME Network in Bologna and then Senior Vice President and Head of Retail Banking for the “Centro” Region in Rome.
Prior to that, he was for four years Head of Retail Banking Function within Capitalia. 

He started his career in business consulting industry, first at Accenture (Former Andersen Consulting) and then at McKinsey & Company, as Senior Engagement Manager. 

On 13 March Luigi Fuzio was appointed as a CEO of Intesa Sanpaolo Bank.

Matija Birov, Board Member Responsible for Risk Management

Matija Birov began his career in 2003 as an outside collaborator responsible for IT support and statistical data analysis . A year later, he became employed in the financial sector as a senior analyst and project leader at Privredna banka Zagreb d.d. (hereafter referred to as PBZ, a member of Intesa Sanpaolo Group).

After joining the company, he carried out important tasks in PBZ’s risk management structure, first as the leader of the Department of Credit Risk Management, and then, after 2008, as the Assistant to the Executive Director in the Sector of Risk Management. Between 2009 and 2012, he served as the Executive Director and Sector Leader of the Department of Risk Management. In 2013, he was promoted to the role of Senior Executive Director. 

He took over the most important risk and credit management projects, including the methodology of risk management, processes and IT systems. He was a member of key risk management committees and was involved in both strategic planning and budgeting.

Matija Birov has extensive leadership experience in various roles and in several companies of the Intesa Sanpaolo Group. 

In May 2022 he was named Management Board Member at the Intesa Sanpaolo Bank. 

Mojca Kovač, Board Member Responsible for Business Network

During 12 years of holding various positions in the banking industry in several European markets, Mojca Kovač gained rich management experience. She started her career in the banking sector as a personal banker for international clients at the Austrian Raiffeisen bank and then joined Unicredit Bank, where she progressed from branch manager to board member in 12 years.

Along the way, among other things, she gained valuable international experience in the role of head of strategic corporate communication and as an active member of the executive board for 10 countries in Central and Eastern Europe, thereby significantly contributing to the development of the group's communication strategy.

As a member of the board responsible for retail and small business operations, she was focused on transforming the bank's vision and strategy and contributed to the creation of a new way of working and doing business in the sales network during the Covid-19 pandemic and the digital transformation of the area, which she led.

On 20 July 2022, Mojca Kovač was appointed as a board member of Intesa Sanpaolo Bank for the area of ​​business network.

Andrey Gorelikov, Board Member Responsible for Financial Area

Andrey Gorelikov brings more than 13 years of strategic consulting and management experience in financial institutions worldwide, where he has implemented projects in business transformation, strategic growth, mergers and acquisitions, and new product launches.

Since 2021 he has held the position of Chief Financial Officer (CFO) at Intesa Sanpaolo Bank with the aim of leading internal initiatives for change and growth.
Before that, between 2019 and 2021, he held the position of Head of Financial Administration Unit and Acting Chief Financial Officer at Intesa Sanpaolo Romania. Between 2017 and 2019, he worked as a Project Leader in the Intesa Sanpaolo Group Headquarters.

From 2010 to 2017, he held analytical, strategic-consulting and managerial positions in various international consulting companies (among them Value Partners in Milan and London, Innovalue Management Advisors in Hamburg).

His financial, management and consulting background is complemented by excellent academic achievements with two degrees (BSc and MSc) in Economics and Finance area, Master in Merchant Banking and an Executive MBA from the University of Oxford. He is fluent in five languages.

He was appointed as a member of the board of Intesa Sanpaolo Bank for the Financial area on 1 April 2024.

Organization chart

Key bank details

Key bank details

Banka Intesa Sanpaolo d.d.
Pristaniška ulica 14, 6502 Koper
Phone: +386 5 66 61 000


New business centre
Dunajska 167, 1000 Ljubljana
Phone: +386 1 30 76 620
Contact center: +386 666 18 38
E-mail: info@intesasanpaolobank.si
Web: https://www.intesasanpaolobank.si

Registration number: 5092221000
VAT number: SI98026305

Corporate identity

Corporate identity

About the name & corporate branding

The name of Intesa Sanpaolo Bank is derived from the internationally recognized name of the Intesa Sanpaolo Banking Group, which has been present on the Slovenian market for almost 20 years. For the first 5 years, the Bank acted as a member of the IMI Sanpaolo Group, which in 2007 merged with Banca Intesa to form the Intesa Sanpaolo Group.

The international name for the once regional bank is proof that the bond between the parent bank Intesa Sanpaolo, whose home is in Italy, and its subsidiary Intesa Sanpaolo Bank with Slovenian roots, has successfully passed the test of time.

The multicultural team spirit of the subsidiary banks across the wider part of Europe and the lasting commitment with the Italian parent bank are reflected today in both the service model and in advanced customer solutions, as well as in the more visible engagement within the financial and wider economic sectors.

Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Logo

Our presence in the world

International presence

How Italy and New York shaped banking
Intesa Sanpaolo New York hub: supporting corporate America
Singapore: gateway to growth
Do you need help?

We are here for you.

Look for appropriate contact number:

Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Contact center
Monday-Friday 7 a.m. - 6 p.m. and Saturday 8 a.m. - 12 p.m.

  •     Calling from Slovenia: 080 13 18
  •     Calling from abroad: 00386 5 66 61 838

Service center for card business – 24 h

  •     Calling from Slovenia:  05 66 61 256
  •     Calling from abroad: 00386 5 66 61 256

Real estate sale: 00386 5 66 610 10
