• No suggestions available.

Protection days with prize game

By participating in the Protection Days, you compete for a trip worth up to EUR 1,000.

In cooperation with Generali zavarovalnica, we strengthened our bancassurance business and added insurance to the wide range of banking products and services, with which you can protect yourself and your family, as well as your goals and future.

That is why we invite you to the protection days, which will take place in all branches of the bank in Slovenia, namely from Monday, March 20, to Friday, March 24, 2023. Our first step will be to discover together with you what types of insurance you might needed and we prepare the most favorable offer for the most appropriate solution.

By participating in the protection days, you also take part in a grand prize draw for a trip of your choice. The winner also receives free foreign insurance.
Read the rules of the prize game (.pdf).



Do you need help?

We are here for you.

Look for appropriate contact number:

Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Contact center
Monday-Friday 7 a.m. - 9 p.m. and Saturday 8 a.m. - 12 p.m.

  •     Calling from Slovenia: 080 13 18
  •     Calling from abroad: 00386 5 66 61 838

Service center for card business – 24 h

  •     Calling from Slovenia:  05 66 61 256
  •     Calling from abroad: 00386 5 66 61 256

Real estate sale: 00386 5 66 610 10
