Apply for your housing loan today.

Please answer some short questions about your status. The questions are divided into 3 main sections: basic questions, income and expenses, and home loan insurance. Your answers will help us to understand even better what offer would suit you best.

2. Income and expenses
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What is your average monthly income in the last 12 months?

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Employees at the employer: average of income (net salary, lunch, travel expenses and holiday pay) from the last 12 payslips and / or inflows from salaries from the last 12 bank statements.
Retired: average of pensions from the last 12 certificates of ZPIZ (Notice of ZPIZ) or inflows from pensions from the last 12 bank statements.
Self-employed, private individuals with balance sheet data: entrepreneur's income minus taxes.
Standardized with advance payment of personal income tax: The difference between tax deductible income and expenses minus the tax liability from the last calculation of personal income tax advance.
Farmer: Annual inflows from activities and subsidies.

How many co-debtors will be involved in renting the loan?

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The co-debtor repays the proportional part of the loan. The maximum number of co-debtors is 3.
What is the co-debtors regular monthly income?
What is the regular monthly income of the 2nd co-debtor?
What is the regular monthly income of the 3rd co-debtor?

Do you have dependent family members?

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A dependent family member is someone you maintain alone or together with a working person (eg a partner):
Child as long as the borrower is obliged to support him (child under 18, school child under 26, etc.).
A child living in a single-parent family when the other parent has died and the child is not receiving benefits from him or her, or the other parent is unknown, or when the child is not actually receiving maintenance benefits from the other parent.
Adult (eg spouse, common - law partner who is not employed, does not work and does not have a living income.
A pensioner, adult or single person over the age of 63 for women and 65 for men, permanently unemployed or permanently incapable of work or unemployed (eg a parent or adoptive parent whom you are obliged to support by an appropriate decision).

Who are they?





Child with financial support


Child without financial support


How many people besides you support them?


Are you already repaying any monthly loan and / or leasing installments?

Enter the total amount of all monthly liabilities (loan annuities and leasing installments).
Enter the total amount of all monthly installments, and reduce by the installment of the loan you would repay with this loan.

Do you have a credit card?

Enter the amount of your limit.

Do you have an overdraft?

Enter the amount of your limit.