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On 5 December we are celebrating World Soil Day.

Intesa Sanpaolo celebrates World Soil Day

The first step concerns soil restoration, while protecting biodiversity, food quality and controlling emissions. More broadly, protecting all life on our planet.

More affordable financing

As one of the leading banking groups, the Intesa Sanpaolo Group strives to accelerate investments in a green and circular economy. It wants to be a driving force for sustainable growth that meets the needs of the current generation while providing better opportunities for future generations.

As a financial institution, Banca Intesa Sanpaolo d.d. provides its clients with support in creating a sustainably oriented economic system. The circular economy and sustainable development represent a great opportunity for all participants in the economy and for their integration in achieving a common goal.

Internal initiatives

Both the bank and its employees are trying to contribute to a better environment:

  • As part of the honey plant planting initiative in cooperation with the Slovenian Beekeeping Association, we have planted 1,200 trees in the last three years, thereby contributing to maintaining soil health and improving the environment. This is an important initiative that focuses on long-term sustainability and supporting local biodiversity.
  • We distributed more than 700 green potted plants to all employees, which bring numerous benefits to the workplace. With this campaign, we greened the offices and at the same time ensured a better well-being in the working environment.
  • Our teambuilding events usually include activities aimed at improving the environment. In this way, we promote environmental responsibility and sustainable practices, which are crucial for preserving our planet.
Do you need help?

We are here for you.

Look for appropriate contact number:

Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Contact center

  •     Calling from Slovenia: 080 13 18
  •     Calling from abroad: 00386 5 66 61 838

Service center for card business – 24 h

  •     Calling from Slovenia:  05 66 61 256
  •     Calling from abroad: 00386 5 66 61 256

Real estate sale: 00386 5 66 610 10
